Case Study: Regular Expressions

The property Ev provides a simple example to illustrate inductive definitions and the basic techniques for reasoning about them, but it's not very exciting - after all, it's equivalent to the two non-inductive definitions of parity we've already seen, and it doesn't seem to offer any concrete benefits over them. To give a better sense of the power of inductive definitions, let's show how to use them to model a classic concept from computer science: regular expressions.

Regular expressions are a simple language for describing strings, defined as follows:

type Regexp (t: Type) {
    chr   (h: t)                          
    app   (st1: Regexp t) (st2: Regexp t) 
    union (st1: Regexp t) (st2: Regexp t)
    star  (st1: Regexp t)                 

Note that this definition is polymorphic: regular expressions in Reg_exp t describe strings with characters drawn from t - that is, lists of elements of t.

(We deviate slightly from standard practice by not requiring the type t to be finite. This results in a slightly different theory of regular expressions, but the difference is not significant for our purposes.)

We connect regular expressions and strings through the following rules, which define when a regular expression matches a given string:

• The EmptySet expression does not match any string. • The EmptyStr expression matches the empty string []. • The Chr x expression matches the single-character string [x]. • If re1 matches s1 and re2 matches s2, then (App re1 re2) matches (App s1 s2). • If at least one of the expressions re1 and re2 matches s, then Union re1 re2 matches s. • Finally, if we can write a string s as the concatenation of a sequence of strings s = (App s_1 (App... s_k...)), and the expression re matches each of the strings s_i, then Star re matches s.

As a special case, the sequence of strings may be empty, so Star re always matches the empty string [] regardless of what re is.

We can easily translate this informal definition into a data definition as follows:

type Expmatch <t> ~(xs: Data.List t) (r: Regexp t) {
mempty              : Expmatch t []   Regexp.emptystr 
mchar (x: t)        : Expmatch t [x] (Regexp.chr x)
  <s1: Data.List t>
  <s2: Data.List t>
  <re1: Regexp t>
  <re2: Regexp t>
  (e1: Expmatch t s1 re1)
  (e2: Expmatch t s2 re2)
  : Expmatch t (Data.List.concat t s1 s2) ( re1 re2)
munionl <s1: Data.List t> (re1: Regexp t) (re2: Regexp t)
  (e1: Expmatch t s1 re1)
  : Expmatch t s1 (Regexp.union re1 re2)
munionr (re1: Regexp t) <s2: Data.List t> (re2: Regexp t)
  (e1: Expmatch t s2 re2)
  : Expmatch t s2 (Regexp.union re1 re2)
mstarz (r: Regexp t) : Expmatch t [] ( r)  
  <s1: Data.List t> 
  <s2: Data.List t>
  <r1: Regexp t>
  (e1: Expmatch s1 r1)
  (e2: Expmatch s2 ( r1))
  : Expmatch t (Data.List.concat t s1 s2) ( r1)

Let's illustrate these rules with some examples.

Regexp_ex1 : Expmatch [1] (Regexp.chr 1)
Regexp_ex1 = Expmatch.mchar 1 

Regexp_ex2 : Expmatch [1, 2] ( (Regexp.chr 1) (Regexp.chr 2))
Regexp_ex2 = Expmatch.mapp [1] (Regexp.chr 1) (Expmatch.mchar 1) [2] (Regexp.chr 2) (Expmatch.mchar 2)

Using pattern matching, we can also show that certain strings do not match a regular expression:

Regexp_ex3 : Not (Expmatch [1, 2] (Regexp.chr 1))
Regexp_ex3 = Empty.absurd _

We can define auxiliary functions to help write regular expressions. The reg_exp_of_list function constructs a regular expression that matches exactly the list it receives as an argument:

Regexp_of_list <t> (xs: List t)        : Regexp t
Regexp_of_list t List.nil              = Regexp.emptystr
Regexp_of_list t (List.cons xs.h xs.t) = (Regexp.chr xs.h) (Regexp_of_list t xs.t)

Regexp_ex4 : Expmatch [1, 2, 3] (Regexp_of_list [1, 2, 3])
Regexp_ex4 = 
    (Regexp.chr 1) 
    (Expmatch.mchar 1) 
    [2, 3] 
    (Regexp_of_list [2, 3])
      (Regexp.chr 2)
      (Expmatch.mchar 2) 
      (Regexp_of_list [3])
        (Regexp.chr 3)
        (Expmatch.mchar 3)
        (Regexp_of_list [])

We can also prove general facts about Exp_match. For example, the following lemma shows that every string s that matches re also matches Star re.

Mstar1 <t> <s: List t> <re: Regexp t> (e: Expmatch s re) : Expmatch s ( re)  
Mstar1 t s re e = 
  let msz = Expmatch.mstarz re
  let mss = Expmatch.mstarapp s [] re e msz
  let lst = List_concat s
  let rwt = Equal.rewrite lst (x => (Expmatch t x ( re))) mss

(Note the use of appendNilRightNeutral*** to change the goal of the theorem to exactly the same form expected by MStarApp.)


The following lemmas show that the informal matching rules provided at the beginning of the chapter can be derived from the formal inductive definition.

  <s: List t> 
  <re1:  Regexp t> 
  <re2:  Regexp t> 
  (p: Pair (Expmatch s re1) (Expmatch s re2))
  : Expmatch s (Regexp.union re1 re2)
Munion t s re1 re2 ( fst snd) = 
  Expmatch.munionl t s [] re1 re2

The next lemma is stated in terms of the fold function from the Poly chapter: If ss: List (List t) represents a sequence of strings s1, ..., sn, then fold (++) ss [] is the result of concatenating all of them.

Fold <x> <y> (f: x -> y -> y) (l: Data.List x) (b: y) : y
Fold x y f Data.List.nil b = b
Fold x y f (Data.List.cons xs.h xs.t) b = f xs.h (Fold f xs.t b) 

MStar_ <t>
  (ss : Data.List (Data.List t))
  (re : Regexp t)
  (construct_match : (s : Data.List t) -> (i : In s ss) -> Expmatch s re)
  : Expmatch (Concats ss) ( re)
MStar_ ss re construct_match = ?


Prove that reg_exp_of_list satisfies the following specification:

Reg_exp_of_list_spec <t> (s1: Data.List t) (s2: Data.List t) : Iff (Expmatch s1 (Regexp_of_list s2)) (Prop.Equal s1 s2)
Reg_exp_of_list_spec s1 s2 = ?

Since the definition of Exp_match has a recursive structure, it is expected that proofs involving regular expressions often require induction based on evidence. For example, suppose we wanted to prove the following intuitive result: if a regular expression re matches some string s, then every element of s must occur somewhere in re. To state this theorem, we first define a function re_chars that lists all characters occurring in a regular expression:

Re_chars <t> (re: Regexp t) : Data.List t
Re_chars t Regexp.emptyset  = []
Re_chars t Regexp.emptystr  = []
Re_chars t (Regexp.chr x)   = [x]
Re_chars t ( r0 r1) = Data.List.concat (Re_chars r0) (Re_chars r1)
Re_chars t (Regexp.union r0 r1) = Data.List.concat (Re_chars r0) (Re_chars r1)
Re_chars t ( r0) = Re_chars r0

Re_star <t> (re: Regexp t) : Prop.Equal (Re_chars ( re)) (Re_chars re)
Re_star e re = Prop.Equal.refl

We can then formulate our theorem as follows:

Destruct <a> (x: a) (lx: Data.List a) (ly: Data.List a) (i: In x (Data.List.concat a lx ly)) : (Data.Either (In x lx) (In x ly))
Destruct a x lx ly i =  
  let fst snd = (In_app_iff x lx ly) 
  let f = (fst :: (_) -> (_)) i 

Construct <a> (x: a) (lx: Regexp a) (ly: Regexp a) (e: Data.Either (In x (Re_chars lx)) (In x (Re_chars ly))) : In x (Data.List.concat (Re_chars lx) (Re_chars ly))
Construct a x lx ly e = (Data.Pair.snd ( In_app_iff x (Re_chars lx) (Re_chars ly)) :: (_) -> (_)) e

In_re_match <a> (x: a) (re: Regexp a) (s: Data.List a) (e: Expmatch s re) (i: In x s) : In x (Re_chars re)
In_re_match a x (Regexp.emptyset) Data.List.nil e i = i
In_re_match a x (Regexp.emptyset) (Data.List.cons head tail) e i = Data.Empty.absurd _ //todo
In_re_match a x (Regexp.emptystr) (Data.List.nil) Expmatch.mempty i = i
In_re_match a x (Regexp.chr u s)  (Data.List.cons t re (Data.List.nil _)) (Expmatch.mchar c) i = 
  let e0 = Prop.Equal.refl :: Prop.Equal c re
  let e1 = Prop.Equal.refl :: Prop.Equal s c
  let chn = Prop.Equal.chain e1 e0
  let rrt = Prop.Equal.rewrite (Prop.Equal.mirror chn) (y => (Data.Either (Prop.Equal _ x y) _)) i 
In_re_match a x ( t z y) (Data.List.concat u l1 l2) e i = 
  let e0 = Prop.Equal.refl :: Prop.Equal u a
  let l3 = l1 :: Data.List a
  let l4 = l2 :: Data.List a
  let e1 = Prop.Equal.refl :: Prop.Equal l1 l3
  let e2 = Prop.Equal.refl :: Prop.Equal l2 l4
  let e3 = Prop.Equal.refl :: Prop.Equal  (Data.List.concat u l1 l2) (Data.List.concat a l3 l4) 
  let i = i :: (In a x (Data.List.concat u l1 l2))
  let rrt = Prop.Equal.rewrite e3 ((k: (Data.List a))=> (In a x k)) i 
  let des = Destruct x l3 l4 rrt
In_re_match a x re Data.List.nil (Expmatch.mstarz z) i = Data.Empty.absurd _ //todo


Write a recursive function re_not_empty that tests whether a regular expression matches any string. Prove that your function is correct.

Re_not_empty <t> (re: Regexp t)   : Data.Bool
Re_not_empty t re = ?

Re_not_empty_correct <t> <re: Regexp t> 
: Equivalence (Data.Sigma (Data.List t) (s => Expmatch s re)) (Prop.Equal (Re_not_empty re) Data.Bool.true)
Re_not_empty_correct t re = ?

The remember Tactic

Rewriting the section, dependent pattern matching solves all of this.

A potentially confusing feature of the induction tactic is that it easily allows you to attempt setting up an induction on a term that is not sufficiently general. The effect of this is to lose information (just as destruct can do) and leave you unable to conclude the proof. Here's an example:

Star_app  <a> (re: Regexp a) (s1: Data.List a) (s2: Data.List a) (exp0: Expmatch a s1 ( re)) (exp1: Expmatch a s2 ( re)) 
: (Expmatch (Data.List.concat s1 s2) ( re))
Star_app a re (Data.List.nil _) s2 (Expmatch.mstarz e) exp1 = exp1
Star_app a re s1 s2 (Expmatch.mstarapp t r s r1 m ms) exp1 = 
  let e0 = Prop.Equal.refl :: Prop.Equal r1 re
  let e1 = Prop.Equal.refl :: Prop.Equal (Data.List.concat r s) s1
  let ind = Expmatch.mstarapp m (Star_app r1 s s2 ms exp1)
  let rrt = Prop.Equal.rewrite e0 (x => (Expmatch _ _ ( _ x))) ind
  let aux = App_assoc r s s2
  let rrt = Prop.Equal.rewrite aux (x => (Expmatch _ (x) (_))) rrt
  let rrt = Prop.Equal.rewrite e1 (x => (Expmatch t (Data.List.concat _ x s2) ( t re))) rrt


MStar2 <t> (re: Regexp t) (s: Data.List t) (ss: Data.List (Data.List t)) (exp: Expmatch s ( re)) 
: (Data.Pair (Prop.Equal s (Fold (x => y => Data.List.concat x y ) ss [])) ((s2: Data.List t) -> (In s2 ss) -> (Expmatch s2 re)))

The lemma MStar'' below (along with its inverse, the exercise MStar' above), shows that our definition of Exp_match for Star is equivalent to the one informally given earlier.


One of the earliest truly interesting theorems in the theory of regular expressions is the so-called pumping lemma, which states, informally, that any sufficiently long string s matching a regular expression re can be "pumped" by repeating some middle section of s an arbitrary number of times to produce a new string also matching re.

To start, we need to define what it means to be "sufficiently long". Since we are working in a constructive logic, we actually need to be able to compute, for each regular expression re, the minimum length for strings s to guarantee "pumpability".

pumping_constant :

Next, it is useful to define an auxiliary function that repeats a string (appends itself) a certain number of times.

napp :

Now, the pumping lemma itself states that if s => re and if the length of s is at leas't the pumping constant of re, then s can be divided into three substrings s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 such that s2 can be repeated any' number of times, and the result, when combined with s1 and s3, will still match re. Since D is also guaranteed to be non-empty, this gives us a (constructive!) way of generating strings matching re that are as long as we desire.

pumping :

To speed up the proof (which you should fill in), the omega tactic, which is enabled by the Require below, is helpful in several places to automatically complete tedious low-level arguments involving equalities or inequalities over natural numbers. We will revisit the omega tactic in a later chapter, but feel free to try it now if you'd like. The first case of the induction gives an example of how it is used.

pumping m le = ?pumping_rhs